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We’re Sponsoring the Cal Poly Pomona Team in the Orange County Sustainability Decathlon!
The National Institute of Building Sciences is proud to announce sponsorship of the Cal Poly Pomona team participating in the Orange County Sustainability Decathlon 2023 (OCSD23). OCSD23 challenges university teams to design and build model solar-powered homes that address climate change and California’s housing needs. It aims to empower future… more
CFIRE and Partners Kick Off Resilience Incentivization Roadmap 2.0
The Multi-Hazard Mitigation Council (MMC) Committee on Finance, Insurance and Real Estate (CFIRE) held its Resilience Incentivization Roadmap 2.0 kickoff meeting with project partners this month. Nearly two dozen industry officials participated in the meeting to discuss collaboration and next steps. “We’re ready to take this to the next level,”… more
BI2022 Day 2: Hurricane Ian Mobilization, Building Awards, Resilience and Risk Management
The National Institute of Building Sciences wrapped its second day of educational sessions on September 28. The day began with a breakfast keynote by David Maurstad, Deputy Associate Administrator for Federal Insurance and Mitigation and Senior Executive of the National Flood Insurance Program with the Federal Emergency Management Agency.… more
BI2022 Day 1 Highlights: Decarbonization, BIM, Climate Resiliency and Building Codes
Building Innovation 2022 met in-person for the first time since 2019, with a robust lineup of educational sessions, covering a spectrum of built environment hot topics. Among the highlights: Decarbonization, building information modeling, digital transformation, climate resiliency, mitigation planning, and building codes. The National Institute… more
National Institute of Building Sciences Announces Built Environment Award Recipients
NIBS this morning recognized built environment leaders, during an awards ceremony at Building Innovation 2022. “NIBS serves the nation by advancing building science and technology to improve the built environment,” says AC Powell, JD, CPS, President and CEO of NIBS. “Our 2022 award recipients are a direct reflection of this mission. It is our… more