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Dana Kennish “Deke” Smith, FbSI, FAIA Emeritus
Members like Dana Kennish “Deke” Smith, FbSI, FAIA Emeritus, embrace the unique opportunities that the National Institute of Building Sciences was provided in its enabling legislation. NIBS was established by Congress in the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383. Congress recognized the need for an organization to serve… more
Supporting the Built Environment Workforce on the Nation’s Existing Buildings
With more than 5.6 million commercial buildings and 118 million housing units in the United States, existing buildings are a key asset to the nation. But as the needs of society shift, policymakers, building tenants and owners place increased emphasis on the performance of buildings, including sustainability, health and resilience. The existing… more
John Messner
The National Institute of Building Sciences provides members with the opportunity to make an impact on the industry. “The first impact is really in the research area that we focus on related to information technology to improve the built environment,” says John Messner, Director of Computer Integrated Construction with Penn State University. “We’… more
Resilience 2021: The Pandemic’s Impact on Technology in the Built Environment
The COVID-19 crisis presented architecture, engineering and construction companies, and code departments with an enormous challenge: transitioning an industry long reliant on personal relationships and in-person connections to a remote, digital environment. Like other hands-on sectors, builders and other trades can’t ply their trades over Zoom.… more
#ThisIsNIBS: Yuqing Hu, Assistant Professor and Director, DII Lab, Penn State College of Engineering
Yuqing Hu joined the National Institute of Building Sciences last year to maximize connections with the industry. NIBS has built many relationships with members, including numerous agencies and organizations. Our members and partners are critical to our mission and the support of the built environment. “We collaborate with a lot of industry… more